TheoLogos Partners

Well, speaking of the uncertain journey, I have, with much prayer and conversation with wise people, undertaken a new venture. I have considered for some time the possibility of “going independent” as a theologian (as in, not affiliated with a particular institution) and what that might look like. In recent months, various opportunities have presented themselves that have led me to believe that for the time being, working out my vocation as an independent theologian and consultant is the way to go. I am by no means closed to searching for an academic position somewhere (and I continue to teach on an adjunct basis), but my inclinations and life circumstances (which, when saturated with prayer and wisdom of friends I take as evidence of the Holy Spirit’s movement) suggest this is a good idea right now.

And so, I present to you TheoLogos Partners. The website is still somewhat in development, but you can see the framework there. My intent is to directly engage with Christian churches, academic institutions (probably smaller ones), and organizations that contribute to justice and community/international development, primarily through developing curricula and literature as well as teaching classes and workshops. However, I am also able to assist with pastoral advising on a number of matters, especially as related to discerning and living into identity and mission as rooted in Christ. The aim is to develop more reflective discipleship within these communities, grounded in robust yet accessible theology. While I plan to provide an array of literature and studies, I also welcome the opportunity to tailor things to particular communities for their own present needs. I desire to come alongside these communities in partnership (hence the name of my practice), allowing us to collaborate for their betterment and fruitfulness.

Please feel free to take a look at the website, and if you have questions, to contact me at I welcome the opportunity to contribute to the life of discipleship in various contexts, and would be happy to visit about the adventure and challenges of doing so.

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